Arlington, Texas Location

(817) 468-7200

Southlake, Texas Location

(817) 468- 7200

Capsule Endoscopy - PillCam

Capsule Endoscopy - PillCam

PillCam ESO

The PillCam Platform is an efficient, patient-friendly, and clinically-proven system that provides visualization of the esophagus and small bowel in a natural state. The PillCam Platform consists of PillCam video capsules for the esophagus and small bowel, the Agile™ patency capsule and RAPID® review and analysis software. More than 1,000,000 patients worldwide have benefited from the PillCam video capsules. Our comprehensive solutions can help improve the standard of care and quality of life for patients. PillCam ESO provides a time-efficient and patient-friendly method for visualization of the esophagus. The PillCam ESO procedure can be performed in less than 30 minutes, and the results can be quickly interpreted.

PillCam SB

PillCam SB is the most widely used, patient-friendly tool for visualization of the entire small bowel and is the standard of care for detecting small bowel abnormalities. The clinical value of PillCam SB as a tool in detecting small bowel abnormalities is demonstrated by more than 1,200 peer-reviewed clinical papers.

PillCam Video Animation

NOTE: Video animation has no sound

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