Arlington, Texas Location

(817) 468-7200

Southlake, Texas Location

(817) 468- 7200

When Is ERCP Necessary?

When Is ERCP Necessary?

At Gastroenterology Practice Associates in Arlington, and Southlake, TX, we offer patients with certain severe gastrointestinal issues ERCP treatment. It can be used to both diagnose and treat several different issues. Our doctors are highly trained in this process and will work with you to decide whether it's the right course of action.

What Is ERCP?

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, or ERCP, is a gastrointestinal endoscopy/x-ray combination. Endoscopy refers to the use of an endoscope, which is a small tube with a camera on the end that is inserted into the area in need of examination. It is designed to be very effective in diagnosing and treating certain issues in the upper gastrointestinal tract since practitioners can both see and manipulate the target organ during the surgery. Although this process is not the most invasive one out there, it is still reserved for cases with no other satisfactory mode of diagnosis or treatment.

When Is ERCP necessary?

ERCP is most often used to treat issues in the pancreas and the bile ducts where the passages have become too narrow. These organs are responsible for transporting fluids that aid digestion, and complications can arise when they don't function. In less severe cases, a doctor may use a simple MRI to diagnose the issue. ERCP is used in cases of gallstones, tumors, pancreatitis, cysts, and more. It cannot be used for patients who are taking certain medications.

At the Gastroenterology Practice Associates in Arlington, and Southlake, TX, our doctors will help you through the process of diagnosing your gastrointestinal issue and determining the best course of treatment. We have many years of experience helping patients just like you.

If you have any questions about endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, or are experiencing any of the aforementioned issues in the Arlington, and Southlake, TX, area, our team at the Gastroenterology Practice Associates would be happy to assist you. Simply give us a call at (817) 468-7200 to request a consultation. We look forward to working with you.

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