Arlington, Texas Location

(817) 468-7200

Southlake, Texas Location

(817) 468- 7200

Diet and GERD: Foods To Avoid and Lifestyle Changes for Better Digestive Health

Diet and GERD: Foods To Avoid and Lifestyle Changes for Better Digestive Health

Leading Gastroenterologists Tackle Indigestion in Arlington, Texas

Dr. Ayodele Osowa, Dr. Oufemi Abiodun, and Dr. Sunbal Zafar see patients daily at their office, Gastroenterology Practice Associates in Arlington, and Southlake, TX, and explain GERD. Our doctors are experienced, skilled, and licensed. Our doctors strive to improve the GI systems of hundreds of patients and are award-winning and top-quality doctors in their field.

What Does a Lifestyle Change Mean?

Lifestyle changes mean changing everything to improve your health and wellness. This change involves time/patience/ planning/dedication/and support related to your everyday routine, which involves one or all of the following.

  • Psychological/Behavioral/Dietary changes
  • Eating healthier
  • Exercising daily
  • Avoiding stressors
  • Quality sufficient sleep every night
  • Kicking addictions by the curb
  • Improving positive social connections
  • Quit smoking and alcohol

What is Reflux Disease?

A tube, the esophagus, runs from your mouth to your stomach. Reflux is a chronic disease or inflammation of the esophagus. The stomach's liquid contents enter back into your esophagus, irritating the tissue lining your esophagus, and travel back up this tube to your throat or mouth. Reflux can cause you to cough and have burning in your esophagus or heartburn due to stomach acidity. 

Foods to Avoid for Chronic Indigestion

Gastroenterology Practice Associates in Arlington, and Southlake, TX, explain that if you have chronic indigestion, you avoid any foods or beverages that cause it to worsen. Those foods that bother you may not be on this list. Some common foods to avoid are coffee/soda/spicy foods/fried foods/mint/garlic/onions/tomato products/butter/whole milk/regular cheese/and sour cream.

How Is Reflux Diagnosed?

Our doctor will do an upper endoscopy under light anesthesia. He will pass a thin and flexible tube down your throat and into the esophagus and stomach to view the tissue. He may order an esophageal pH monitoring to measure the acid of your esophagus using a wireless capsule or catheter. He may use a thin tube to measure the pressure of your esophagus. This test is called manometry.

Are There Reflux Complications If Not Treated?

Reflux does not improve on its own. Suppose you don't take the proper steps to improve indigestion. In that case, you are likely to develop erosive esophagitis/Barrett's esophagus (cancer)/ulcers in the esophagus/a stricture of the esophagus/exacerbation of asthma/increased choking/coughing/ pneumonia/chronic hoarseness.

Insomnia/laryngitis/bad breath/the feeling of a lump in your throat/earaches/dental issues/or growth on your vocal cords.

What Are the Treatment Options for Reflux?

  • Over-the-counter/prescription antiacids
  • H2 blockers
  • Protein pump inhibitors
  • Surgery
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Avoiding foods and beverages that worsen reflux

Improve Your GI Health Today

Call and schedule a GI consult for GERD with Dr. Osowa, Dr. Abiodun, or Dr. Zafar at their office, Gastroenterology Practice Associates in Arlington, and Southlake, TX, at (817) 468-7200. We can help you overcome reflux and increase your quality of life.

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